Chiropractic care is important to help maintain a healthy skeletal structure and nervous system function throughout a pregnancy and childbirth. Chiropractic care during pregnancy helps the spine and pelvis cope with the effects of the many changes a woman’s body undergoes during pregnancy.
During pregnancy, a woman’s center of gravity shifts forward to the front of her pelvis. This additional weight in the front of the body causes stress to the joints of the pelvis and low back. As the baby grows in size, the added weight causes the curvature of the lower back to increase, placing extra stress on the fragile facet joints on the back side of the spine. Any pre-existing problems in a woman’s spine tend to be exacerbated as the spine and pelvis become overtaxed, often leading to pain and difficulty performing normal daily activities.
Studies have found that about half of all expectant mothers develop low-back pain at some point during their pregnancies. This is especially true during the third trimester when the baby’s body gains the most weight. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can relieve and even prevent the pain and discomfort frequently experienced in pregnancy, and creates an environment for an easier, safer delivery.
Most women have found that chiropractic care helped them avoid the use of pain medications during their pregnancy, and studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments help to reduce time in labor.