Health Insurance Patients: In the world of rising deductibles, lower reimbursement rates and with the responsibility for payment shifting more and more to our patients, we have elected to be out of network with all insurance companies as we feel we can best serve you this way.

Insurance verifications are done as a courtesy to you by this office and cannot be guaranteed. We are required by law to collect deductibles, copayments and coinsurance.** These cannot be waived, by law. If you have had providers do this for you in the past, you were both breaking the law. All fees are charged to you and are your responsibility regardless of whether or not your insurance company assists in payment on your account

**Keep in mind that your copayment or coinsurance may actually be MORE than the standard office visit fee. In these cases, it is often more cost effective for you to self pay for your services. In this case, you will be provided a superbill to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

We do not have a contract with your insurance company – you do. Please understand that your insurance policy is a contract between YOU and YOUR insurance company. Benefits and coverage are determined by your insurance company – not the doctor or this office.

Personal Injury Patients: If the doctor has accepted your personal injury case, you will fill out a separate medical lien as the doctor has agreed to wait for payment until your case has settled. This is a courtesy to you. Please understand that although the doctor has agreed to wait for payment, the services are being charged directly to YOU and YOU are responsible for payment, regardless of any settlement, judgment or verdict.

Medicare Patients: We are a participating provider for Medicare. Medicare covers ONLY the adjustment. It also only covers the adjustment portion under certain circumstances, meaning maintenance is not covered. Medicare does not cover examinations, reexaminations, x-rays, or therapies. Your secondary may or may not cover the examinations, reexaminations, x-rays or therapies depending on the type of plan you selected.

Medicare Advantage Patients: We do not participate in any Medicare Advantage networks. You can still receive care under certain circumstances. Call the office for details.